Extinguisher Recharging
Fire Extinguishers are an integral part of every business's safety plan.
They are always close by and ready to go in the event a fire breaks out. Many extinguishers are not prepared to save a business from a fire because they have not been adequately maintained and inspected.
Business owners need to understand the importance of fire extinguisher recharging. This process is an essential aspect of fire extinguisher service and maintenance and cannot be ignored.
Why Fire Extinguishers Need to be Recharged.
An undercharged, expired, or depressurized fire extinguisher can endanger company personnel and property. Commercial and industrial facilities need their fire extinguishers recharged by trained fire protection professionals to meet provincial codes, OSHA requirements, and insurance company recommendations.
Crest Fire has the tools, training, and knowledge to ensure fire extinguishers are in peak working condition and appropriately refilled with the correct extinguishing agent.
Our qualified fire protection service technicians have expertise in recharging all types of fire extinguishers, including:
ABC dry chemical
Carbon dioxide
Wet chemical
Clean agent or Halogen
How to Check a Fire Extinguisher Gauge.
Business owners should perform a quick extinguisher inspection at least once per month, and one of the most important factors to check during this inspection is the pressure gauge. The gauge will tell you whether the unit is undercharged, overcharged, or within the operational zone. You want the needle to point within the green area for optimal use. If the pressure gauge is in the "Recharge" position or is reading in the "Over Pressurized Range," the best thing is to bring it to a fire protection technician for service.
When do Fire Extinguishers Need to be Recharged?
Fire extinguishers must be recharged directly after use to ensure enough pressure and suppressant liquid are stored and ready to extinguish a fire. Here are several instances where fire extinguisher recharging needs to occur.